We suggest you create your study abroad budget using our budget worksheet (xlsx) to help you think about your costs on this program:
- Populate the figures from the tables below into the left side costs of attendance
- Input your financial resources on the right
Your customized budget sheet can help determine your current financial status, and help you understand what additional funding you may need to help make this an affordable program option.
Cashier Billed Expenses*
Estimated Amount
Tuition & Program Fees1 |
$4,220 |
GeoBlue International Medical Insurance |
$15 |
*Cashier Billed Expenses are those charges billed directly to your UNC ConnectCarolina account.
Out of Pocket Estimates**
Estimated Amount
International Airfare – Estimate for departure from RDU airport. We encourage you to research flight costs from the nearest airport to your home, as you may find better rates. |
$2,800 |
Immigration Visa/Residence Permit |
$0 (US Citizens) |
Passport Application Renewal |
$145 |
International Cell Phone Plan2 |
$100 |
Personal Expenses
Meals Not Provided by Program |
$100 |
Travel Insurance |
$100 |
Local Transportation Not Provided by Program |
$50 |
Hotel Incidentals (ex. Laundry, Phone) |
$25 |
Total Estimated Expenses:
Withdrawal Policy: Once a student accepts their offer to study abroad, the spot will be considered filled and will not be offered to another student. Students who withdraw after accepting an offer must email UBP Global Programs at ubpglobal@kenan-flagler.unc.edu stating in full the reasons for the late withdrawal. Students who withdraw from UBP Global administered programs are responsible for non-recoverable costs. Your cashier’s account will be assessed an additional charge to cover any/all amounts that Kenan-Flagler UBP Global programs have committed or paid on your behalf and are non-recoverable at the time of withdrawal, such costs may include, housing, meals, transportation, and faculty or staff compensation.
1Includes accommodations (including breakfast daily and wireless internet), travel as part of the program, venue rental if required, airport transfers, some lunches, and cultural activities as outlined on the itinerary, gratuities for guides, and study abroad administrative fee ($700).
2Cost of the plan varies depending on individual cell phone provider. The program expects participants to purchase an international phone plan for emergency purposes. Wifi available at the hotel.
**Out of Pocket Estimates are based on the cost of the program, which is determined by combining the average costs our previous students have spent in each of these categories, along with the costs our partner provides to us as their averages. These estimates are subject to change based on exchange rate fluctuations, bank fees, and individual variances in costs of living.