Being a student in the UBP is hard work. Balancing expectations as a student leader alongside other commitments, responsibilities, and general life challenges can be stressful. This stress can lead to personal habits, behaviors, and outcomes that threaten your ability to perform at your very best.
Students who engage in behaviors that support their wellness:
Wellness is a journey and an ongoing, intentional commitment to seek balance across each of the eight dimensions of our wellness: Environmental, Spiritual, Financial, Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Social and Career. The result of this journey is well-being, or the state of being holistically well.
The UBP is committed to helping you address challenges to your personal success and holistic wellness. The program offers a variety of individualized services and resources designed to empower community members to thrive and flourish across all eight dimensions of wellness.
Whether you’re starting from scratch to develop personal wellness habits or you are looking to take your wellness journey to the next level, our wellness staff is here and ready to help you succeed in the UBP and beyond.
For more information, contact our Wellness Specialist.