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MAC student perspectives: Orientation and Leadership Immersion

MAC students

The MAC Program begins with a four-day orientation to the program that includes a one-credit leadership course. The orientation enables new MAC students to learn the ins and outs of the program and to build connections with each other. There were presentations about the career services process, academics, time management, ethics, and other important topics.

>> Learn more about the UNC MAC student experience

At the immersion, students meet with the other members of their assigned learning teams, which are put together based on the DISC assessment we took before the program began. Teams draft a team charter and set expectations for the semester. These teams will be used for two courses in the first term, so you’ll be spending a lot of time with these people!

An entire day is dedicated to outdoor team building activities. Moving through stations in and around the business school, we worked with our learning teams and other classmates to complete various tasks…and survive the North Carolina heat!

The orientation and leadership immersion gives students a taste of what is to come in the MAC Program. Classes begin the following week, and then the real fun begins!

by Katie Tillotson, MAC ’18

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