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MAC student perspectives: “Be audit you can be!”

When I walked into my audit class today, on the board read, “Be audit you can be!” Professor Dikolli provided just the subtle, “punny”, and comically-relieving motivation for MAC students in the midst of midterms.

Last week, we had exams in Financial Reporting A and Finance, and this week, we have an exam in Auditing and Assurance Services. We made it to week 5—how fast the MAC program is moving! Learning Teams have bonded, the accounting concepts are beginning to gel, and we’ve survived the hot summer weather!

>> Learn more about the UNC MAC student experience

Now that we’ve made it halfway through the first mod, I’ve noted three takeaways I’ve experienced in the past five weeks:

1. There is no such thing as procrastination in the MAC program. When it comes to the asynchronous material, videos must be watched before class, and it’s best to develop a regimented schedule.

2. Appreciate the differences in everyone. How mentally stimulating it is to be surrounded with students from different backgrounds, majors, and universities! Different perspectives are normally what saves our group assignment grades, and enjoying one another keeps us sane and refreshed during these extra-busy weeks!

3. Being confident, participating in class, and “being audit I can be” really maximizes my MAC program experience. Class sizes are ~25 students, and sometimes professors cold- call….which may seem daunting; however, students grow comfortable with an open classroom environment. These top-notch professors are invested in your learning and truly want you to know the material, whether you’re probing through financial statements, following an audit program, or playing catch-phrase to review for the midterm this Friday!

Time to study — wish us luck!

by Elizabeth Gay, MAC ’18

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