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Business majors make great accountants

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Want to apply your hard-won business knowledge? You acquired a lot of intellectual capital in business school. Now, invest it to maximize your career ROI.

You’ve studied it all, from Wall Street financial engineering to how a mega-brand like Starbucks personalizes its products for every customer. Whether it’s strategy or operations, marketing or finance, you’ve learned the difference between successful firms and failures.

Now it’s time to apply your business know-how to the real world.

>> Match your business courses to accounting courses and skills.

Putting your business IQ to work

Want to advise senior executives on making smarter decisions? Want to lead a team as it does a deep dive into a real business problem and comes up with an innovative solution? Maybe you’ve even thought about starting your own company or one day running a big business from the C-suite.

You need opportunities early in your career to prove yourself by tackling real business challenges. And you don’t want to waste years climbing the corporate ladder or returning to school again in a few years for another degree just to qualify for the higher-paying jobs.

A career path you may have overlooked

You could add some rocket fuel to your career with a Master of Accounting (MAC) degree.  Most UNC Kenan-Flagler MAC graduates are hired directly by the Big 4 accounting and consulting firms. From the start, they work on audits of public companies, complicated tax situations and consulting projects.  And a UNC MAC takes just one year to earn.

With your business major background, you already understand all the business functions, which means you’ll bring more insight to the accounting. And the MAC degree provides you deep knowledge of accounting, a critical function that touches every part of business.

It doesn’t stop there. Executive search firm Spencer Stuart found the percentage of CFOs with CPA certifications rose from 29 percent in 2003 to 45 percent in 2013. You could find yourself in the C-suite, as CFO or even CEO.

There’s more.
All that hard work you pumped into your undergrad business courses will help you immensely as you pursue your MAC degree and, more importantly, when you’re working as an accountant. Yes, what you learn in school matters! To illustrate this, download this handy grid that matches your business courses with accounting courses and skills.


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