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MAC admissions: Talk to me about flexibility in your online format

Woman asking about flexibility

When you’re working full-time, serving in the military, raising a family or deeply involved as a volunteer to a local non-profit organization, finding time for grad school can be challenging. However, with enough flexibility — and motivation — you can not only succeed, but do so with flying colors. You’ll supply the motivation; we’ll deliver the flexibility … in droves.

Here’s how:

1. You set the pace. Have the time? Take a full load. Tight on time? Take a lighter load. Emergency life event surfaces? Pause for a term. By regulating your pace, you can manage your academic plan to balance with the other demands in your life.

2. Study on your schedule. Weekly live sessions are conveniently held in the evening, starting as late as 9:00pm on the U.S. eastern time zone. The rest of the work — video lectures, homework assignments, and, to some degree, even exams — are completed at a time that you choose.

3. Log in from anywhere. To access the learning management system, all you need is a browser and an internet connection. Watch the lectures where it’s most convenient — on a laptop, tablet, or phone at home, at the office or at the beach!

Bank VP Leanne Fredericks earned her MAC degree while continuing to build her career.

Do you hold classes in the evening?

Yes. In fact, multiple sessions are held for most classes; our academic advisors can help you find a session that fits your schedule. Each course you take will have one, two-hour live sessions each week.

If I have to travel, can I take the coursework with me?

Yes, absolutely. Video lectures and homework assignments can even be downloaded so that you watch/complete them on any device without even connecting to wifi. For live classes, we recommend a strong internet connection run through a desktop or laptop computer, but there are no limitations on where you can log in from. Students have logged in from vacations, when traveling for business, and even from military bases in Afghanistan.

Can I get in touch with my professor when I need help? And, what about tech support?

Of course. Our faculty are open to connect with students and hold office hours online, just as they do for students in the on-campus format. Our professors — many of whom were working professionals themselves — understand the time demands on students. Technical support is offered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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