Professor Brad Hendricks hopes his class is hard but rewarding.
Her passion for Carolina For The Kids strengthens her connection with the UNC Kenan-Flagler community.
Travis Howell examines how to build and sustain a good founding team, and how increasingly popular coworking spaces are changing entrepreneurship.
Federal prosecutors made headlines when they charged six accountants with conspiracy and other charges in January 2018. They said five accountants conspire...
Next time you dig into a 10-K from a company led by its founder, you might want to take it with an extra grain of salt. Founder-led firms tend to be overl...
Research by Laura Sonday highlights the role of reputational fears in deterring people from viewing themselves as leaders. ...
Professor Bradley Hendricks says that although founders are in greater need of advice than seasoned professionals, they also are more likely to ignore it. ...
“When you look at the jobs that are having trouble hiring, it’s the ones with really long hours, inflexible schedules, not great pay and limited benefits,”...
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