Jeff Hoopes
Professor and Harold Q. Langenderfer Scholar of Accounting and Thomas Willis Lambeth Distinguished Chair in Public Policy
McColl 4005, CB 3490 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3490
Professor and Harold Q. Langenderfer Scholar of Accounting and Thomas Willis Lambeth Distinguished Chair in Public Policy
McColl 4005, CB 3490 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3490
Jeff Hoopes studies how taxpayers respond to tax laws and changes in tax enforcement. He examines issues at the intersection of accounting, public economics and finance. He has expertise in both corporate and individual taxation as well as tax administration and compliance.
He teaches classes that deal with taxes and business strategy, and how tax policy affects taxpayer decisions and the economy.
Dr. Hoopes’ research has been published in the Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Public Economics, The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Management Science, xmv American Economic Journal: Economic Policy and National Tax Journal.
He serves as the research director of the UNC Tax Center.
He regularly interacts with the research analysis and statistics division of the Internal Revenue Service on ongoing joint research projects, and is a CPA with an active license in the state of Colorado.
Dr. Hoopes is frequently mentioned in the national media. His work or comments have been cited by NPR, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, National Affairs, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Time, Fortune, Christian Science Monitor, Forbes, Fox Business, Bloomberg Businessweek, Tax Notes, USA Today,, and Reuters, among other outlets.
He received his PhD in business administration from the University of Michigan. He received his MAcc with a tax emphasis from Brigham Young University, where he also graduated with a BS in accounting.