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Sustainability resolutions – Pt. 2

Kevin DePopas (BSBA '14)

Kevin DePopas (BSBA ’14)

The three areas that I am going to focus on in the coming year are transportation, recycling, and eliminating unneeded purchases.

  • Transportation. Living at a new off-campus residence off Martin Luther King Drive, I want to exclusively use public transportation, bike, or carpool onto campus.
  • Recycling. I am going to continue to drive a recycling initiative both at my current place of residence and in my fraternity.
  • Unneeded purchases. I feel that it is often easy to feed consumer culture by purchasing unneeded goods and clothes. For this reason, I will attempt to limit the purchase of things that I don’t need. When I do buy something new (e.g. clothes), I will try to find an item to donate to Goodwill.

– Kevin DePopas (BSBA ’14)

Elisa Elkind (MBA '15)

Elisa Elkind (MBA ’15)

This year I plan to purchase mostly seasonal and local fruits, vegetables, and meats. Since moving to North Carolina, it has taken me longer than I expected to learn which items/animals are farmed nearby and what their local seasons are. This is largely due, of course, to my packed business school schedule – it has been more convenient to buy and cook similar items (from the grocery store) week to week, than to make it out to the farmer’s market and really check what is in season and experiment with recipes.

Now I am better adapted to my schedule and environment, and thus promise to consult my trusty North Carolina seasonal foods chart during each food excursion.

– Elisa Elkind (MBA ’15)

Emily Kosmala (BSBA '14)

Emily Kosmala (BSBA ’14)

My personal goals this year are to drive less, volunteer at the community garden where I already take my compostable material and decrease my energy use though reducing time on mobile electronics. I will also continue encouraging my friends, family, and those around me to live in a way that’s kindly considerate of our environment and the world that awaits our grandchildren.

I realized last semester that my life’s work will be distilling the information of scientists and environmentalists into a compelling narrative, translating the value of social and environmental return on investment into terms that influential players in the business world can relate to and understand.

I’m often overwhelmed by the magnitude of the movement and the changes that still need to take place. That said, my resolutions are to impact my sphere of influence in the most effective way possible!

– Emily Kosmala (BSBA ’14)

Trang-Phan thumbnail

Trang Phan (MBA ’15)

Environmental Sustainability. I would like to make more of an effort to carpool with my classmates to events on and off campus. I will continue to recycle more, especially when I am on campus and trying to rush from one place to the next. When choosing to buy products, I will try to choose products that are made from recycled materials.

Social Sustainability. I will try to volunteer and work with a refugee entrepreneur to help him or her grow a sustainable business and thus support his or her community financially.

– Trang Phan (MBA ’15)
